episode 54155


It's the very end of a METACITY DETECTIVE episode.

A pretty woman listens to the detective.

Detective: "Well, Mrs Clarence, it is safe to say your husband was not distributing illegal open source software when he was killed by a bot patrol after curfew..."

Woman: "Thank you, detective."

Detective: "It appears he really was just soliciting sex."

The detective pauses and looks down.

Detective: "There's just this one last thing... it's probably nothing, but I know I couldn't fall asleep tonight if I didn't ask..."

Woman: "Yes, detective?"

Detective: "This thumbdrive we found in your possession - the one you claimed contained just random data? I don't understand these computer things, too mechanical, you know - I didn't question it, but my wife... well, she likes to read about computers. She told me about this thing called... private keys? Now hypothetically, if we were to try decrypting the drive we found with your husband using your random data..."