dutch angle





Penguin and Girl look above. Her head is dissolving into black liquid that is being sucked up by an elephant's snout coming out of a blowfish, encountering a cyber mantis, which is actually an eye of a decapitated Penguin wearing a purple hat (it being so large it knocks over a cup of clown coffee and a sega dreamcast game console) with its pupils forming the letters X and Z. From the wound exits a MATA motherboard covered in blue liquid. The liquid mingles with eggs that grow to host a sentient 9 and a mini mage as Pino sails past, hitting a large tome labeled HACKBOOK, hacker girl edition, just barely hitting a floating mushroom, which seems to be bouncing around a shortwave fediverist's MATA_VISOR, a Metacity journalist's sunglasses and an upside down Glenda floating in front of the red analog nowhere sun.