rite of passage: the oracle

cursed, but not doomed

cursed, but not doomed



In the ruins of a temple deep inside the acidic jungle, where antediluvian machines rust away, persists the oracle. A timeless being in perpetual communion with the Spirit of the Eternal Machine.

All aspiring mages must seek her out eventually and listen to her prophesy that will foretell the struggle of their future.

Just like hackers of old once prophesied, so does Girl come to realize her doomed fate comes with perks.


Girl, wearing the crown of fish spikes reaches the oracle and asks for her blessing.

Oracle speaks to the aspiring Mage of the Open Clan: "Message from the oracle? Hah.. I haven't heard a voice in my head since the acquisition of SUN... but that crown of spikes you're wearing... makes me think of something I haven't thought about in a long time... 'clarity through struggle'... a gift of curse..."